Applies to: All Customers


  • Common Registration and Access Questions

Registration Questions:

Q: When will I get the link to join the event?

A: Don’t be alarmed, our team will be sending out a link 5-10 minutes before the AI-Powered ENTREpreneur event starts on January 17, 2024 at 8pm Eastern Time. Don’t forget to also check your spam folder if you don’t see the link to the event. If you are still experiencing issues, you may email us at

Q: Do I need to download any apps on my phone/tablet or computer in order to watch this event?

A: Nope! No downloads or apps needed! You will be able to watch the AI-Powered ENTREpreneur event from your web browser!

Q: Is this an in-person event?

A: No, the AI-Powered ENTREpreneur event is a virtual ONLINE event so no need to make any travel arrangements.

Q: Does the AI-Powered ENTREpreneur event cost anything to attend?

A: No. Our event is completely free and will be packed with a lot of useful information!

Q: Do I need to have anything ready for the event?

A: Make sure you’re set up with no distractions, have a way to take notes such as a notepad and pen or a document set up on your phone/tablet/computer as well as making sure you have a good and stable internet connection.

Q: How long is the AI-Powered ENTREpreneur event?

A: The AI event will be roughly ONE hour long, so make sure you have that time set aside to watch this amazing event!

Q: Who is this event for? Can I join?

A: The AI-Powered ENTREpreneur event is for anyone who is NEW to ENTRE or already an ENTRE member. If you’re an ENTRE member who is actively participating in our coaching program, please reach out to your Coach or directly if you have any questions.

Q: I’m currently an active coaching student, can I attend the AI-Powered ENTREpreneur event?

A: At this time, it is not recommended for active coaching students to join this event and to focus on your current path with your Coach. As a coaching student, you will receive details and access to our AI Curriculum, so we got you covered! If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to your Coach or email

Q: Will there be a replay for the event?

A: If you are unable to make the live webinar, no worries! You can catch the replay by using the webinar link we’ll send out by the event’s start on 1/17/2024 at 8PM Eastern Time. The replay has been EXTENDED and will be made available until 1/24/2024 at 11:59PM Eastern Time. If you have any additional questions please reach out to so our team can assist you.

Q: I’m not 100% sure if I’m registered for the AI-Powered ENTREpreneur event. How do I make sure I have a seat?

A: No worries! We’ve got you covered! If you haven’t received your confirmation email and you’ve already checked spam, here’s a link to register again!
(Pro-tip: If you registered previously and didn’t receive a confirmation email, you can try registering again using a different email address, if you have one)

Q: I didn’t receive the Productivity Pack I signed up for, how do I get access to that?

A: If you have already checked your spam emails and text messages and do not see the link to access the Productivity Pack, please email our team so we can ensure that you have access to this valuable resource. Reach out to 

Still Need Help?

Please contact Concierge via email: or call our Concierge team: 844-552-8801 (available Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Mountain Time)